Do I attach My Cover Letter Along My C.V.?

A lot of Job applicants ask this question.

Before sending your cover letter, always check the company’s application requirements, it will give you clues on to go about it.

If it is not stated in the vacancy, add it to the body of the mail.

Dream big! Work smart! Avoid excuses, growth becomes inevitable in this stage.

Great Week ahead everyone.

How Do I Become Relevant In The Industry?

The world is constantly evolving and change is inevitable, hence, technologies built are fast making jobs easier and faster, as a result, certain jobs become redundant.

Since change is the only constant thing, survival in the industry will depend on how fast and smart you work on improving your skills, the service rendered and your talents to fit into the industry.

How Do I Sound Confident During Interviews?

Interviews are like conversations, but in a formal way.

Speaking confidently during interviews makes your listener believe that you know what you’re saying, hence, pays attention.

Confidence is not built in a day but intentional desire, practice and success does the trick.

It’s ok to feel nervous sometimes, but, you can consciously increase confidence, by monitoring your tone of voice, your pace and intonation. All these go a long way.

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Retaining The Right Staff

There might be a very simple reason you’re regularly losing staff – a reason that might be a little hard to come to terms with.

If you are failing to get the right people through the door, the possibility of them leaving is very high. Employing candidates for a wrong role, will lead to high turnover.

Create a Great Onboarding Process:

A  proper onboarding process will ensure that every employee gets the best possible start when they join the business. It will introduce them to their colleagues, establish business norms and plant the seeds for a relationship.

To achieve this, you will have to speak to existing employees and ask how they found the onboarding process, and encouraging them to be honest, this will help build a better onboarding process.

Get Connected, Focus on Employee Engagement:

By focusing on employee engagement, you will ensure that every member of the staff understands exactly how their role impacts the business and contributes to the wider goals of the organization. Encourage and celebrate your staff.

It’s the Little Things That Counts, Offer Tangible Benefits: You don’t have to be among those company with high wages to be able to offer your employees significant benefits. It could be as little as flexible working hours, etc. The little things go a long way than waiting to hit big before your staff are appreciated.

Treat Everyone Equal:

This may come off as impossible but it prevents conflict in the organisation. It is vital that you avoid this totally by paying attention to every employee and ensuring that they are treated equally. Managers should be encouraged to check on their team and acknowledge good works once noticed.

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Communication In The Workplace

Communication in the workplace is very important for employees to work efficiently and be productive. Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation.

Few Importance of Communication:


Where employees are enabled to openly express their ideas without fear of ridicule, they are more likely to present their ideas without fear of ridicule. This relies heavily on innovation; therefore, an organization that promotes communication is more likely to be innovative one.

Effective Communication

When there is a good communication channel, you can manage your team better. It is much simpler to delegate activities, manage conflicts, motivate and build relationships when your team communicates with each other effectively.

Team Building

Creating strong teams requires communication and cooperation. A good communication line helps in the effective building of a well-coordinated team and in implementing strategies.

Giving Voice to All

Employee satisfaction can be very much dependent on their voice being listened to, whether in regards to an idea they have had or about a complaint they make.


Below are some of the key areas where organizations can enhance and improve communication between their teams:

Include everyone: Make sure that the communication lines are always open. Search and actively promote progress reports and project updates. This is especially important when it comes to remote personnel.

Listen and take action:  Communication is a two-way process, so every company needs to imbibe the habit of listening and encouraging dialogue among its employees.

Define Objectives and Expectations: Managers should provide clear and achievable goals for teams and individuals by outlining what is required on any given project.

Deliver your message clearly: Make sure your message is clear and accessible to the intended audience. To do this, it is important that you speak clearly and politely to convey your message clearly without confusion or offence.

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Attracting And Retaining Top Talents/Employer Branding

Attracting and retaining top talents should be every company’s top priority and desire.

It is the duty of the Hr to be in contact with every staff of its company if not yearly but quarterly, this will help us know what a staff is expecting, what will motivate the staff to work and also what the organisation expects of the staff.

An Hr waiting until an exit interview of a productive and efficient staff will lose the opportunity to identify the company’s issues, issues like why the employee left or why employees are leaving.

Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. However, many consider employee retention as relating to the efforts by which employers attempt to retain the employees in their workforce.

Retention starts right from the beginning, from the application process to screening applicants to choosing who to interview. It starts with identifying what aspects of culture and strategy you want to emphasize, and then seeking those out in your candidates.


Companies who focus on employee retention, will retain talented and motivated employees who truly want to be a part of the company and who are focused on contributing to the organisations overall success.


When layoffs are frequent, retirement and pensions are non-existent, workers feel less loyal to their companies and will jump ship if they find better pay or better prospects elsewhere.


  • Your Employee Value Proposition: getting the right balance of benefit is crucial and is increasingly seen as a part of your employer branding strategy. What pension programs do you offer? Top talent will consider all these as part of the whole package.
  • Promotion Opportunities: if a high calibre candidate cant see opportunities for development and progression, they are less likely to consider your organisation.

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